Saturday, September 20, 2008


Once a man named George went to a fair with his wife Nancy. They went on each and every ride except the helicopter ride. George said to his wife “ Nancy I want to go on the helicopter ride” . Nancy said, “George, we could have gone, but the Helicopter ride costs $50 and fifty dollars is fifty dollars.”

And it went on and on. Whenever they came to the fair, they would never go on a helicopter ride. The pilot who gave the ride heard them. He told them “I’ll give you an offer. If you keep quiet for the whole of the journey, I will not charge you at all.” Nancy and George agreed.

The pilot twirled and swirled the helicopter but not a word came from them. At last, the pilot asked George how they were so brave. George said “I almost screamed when Nancy fell off, but you know, fifty dollars is FIFTY DOLLARS!!!!!:”